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Kobido is a traditional Japanese art that appeared in the 15th century and means " ancestral way of beauty ".

It consists of massaging the face through a succession of maneuvers (touching, percussion, beating, pinching, friction) with varying speed and intensity. The use of small suction cups is also possible.

Kobido is a gentle, natural and respectful method to reduce the signs of aging.

In addition, this treatment will immerse you in a surprising and deep relaxation.

Bénéfice du Kobido
Close-up portrait


Your face in all its forms!

Rayonnant  Raffermi   Lifté   Réveillé  Rajeuni  

Affiné   Repulpé    Lumineux Ouvert

Eclairci   Relaxé   Lissé     Vivant    Elastique     Frais    Souple    Drainé      Apaisé          Eclatant    Resculpté 

 Galbé  Harmonisé     Détendu

Origines du vieillissement cutané

Expressions and effects of age

face photos.PNG

There are around fifty facial muscles of two types: platysma (responsible for expressions) and masticators.

They are requested to   permanently which induces tension in the face, tension and wrinkles appear.

Also, over time, we observe a relaxation due to gravity as well as the melting of fatty and muscular tissues.

Origines du vieillissement cutané

Le vieillissement de la peau est un processus physiologique normal génétiquement programmé mais qui peut s’accélérer à la suite de la combinaison de tous les événements biologiques ou non qui surviennent au cours de la vie. Il est donc très dépendant de nos comportements et nous ne sommes pas tous égaux face au vieillissement de la peau.

In practice



Session 75 euros (1 hour).

Subscription 6 sessions

420 euros.

Available as an online gift card .

Payment by check or cash.



Attack treatment: 1 time per week for 1 month.

Maintenance: 1 time per month.

Coup de brilliance: An isolated session.

Image of CRYSTALWEED cannabis


Massaged areas: Bust, face, scalp.

Products used: Certified organic.

Headbands or charlottes available.

Silicone suction cups .

My vision of beauty

Infos pratiques
Ma vision de la beauté

I distinguish aesthetic, apparent, superficial beauty from radiant, interior, hidden beauty.

In my opinion, the beauty of a being
is the harmony between the depth of one's soul and one's bodily envelope.

Kobido contributes to this connection between the inside and the outside. The effects are visible physically and well beyond. Indeed, it acts on the perception you have of yourself, on your confidence in yourself, in life. You walk with lightness and happiness. You are aligned, centered. You feel good, enveloped, protected. Your authenticity is revealed .

Kobido allows a form of reconciliation with yourself. A sort of awareness that your body is a wonderful vessel that allows you to explore life, and therefore, to play down your “imperfections”, to accept them.

Beauty also means accepting aging. Welcome what time offers you, with gratitude and kindness.

Beauty and well-being must be cultivated, take action by taking care of yourself in all aspects of your life.

Self-massage to prolong the effects of Kobido. Establish a ritual of a few minutes morning and/or evening when applying your cream or oil and after removing your makeup.

Drink plenty of water, protect your skin from the sun, eat healthily, be physically active and have a good time.

And don't forget, the most beautiful beauty accessory is your smile :)

Beyond the massage session

Au dela de la séance
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